Transactions are grouped into Workflows based on a shared common reference. For example, an 850 and a corresponding 810 will be grouped into a Workflow if they share a common Purchase Order Number.

The overview page for all Workflows is the Order Fulfillment page:

The Workflow page shows you:

  • The name and ISA ID and Qualifier of your Trading Partner
  • The status of this Workflow. One of the following:
    • “Order Pending”
    • “Order Acknowledgment”
    • “Order Fulfillment”
    • “Order Billing”
    • “Order Completed”
    • “Order Canceled”
  • The reference that is the basis for this Workflow (for example, the Purchase Order Number)
  • All related Transactions, grouped by their step in the Workflow

For each incomplete step, you can either:

  • Create a new Transaction with auto-populated values, or
  • Skip that step

Each document will also have the next action available on it in the form of a blue button:

Or a red button in the case of validation, delivery or acknowledgment errors: