Shipments (856)

EDI Document NumberDirection
856Seller to Buyer

Send an 856 Advance Shipping Notice

An 856 Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) is the key step of many Retail Workflows. The ASN enables the sender to describe the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail.


All requirements for the 856 document are based on your Trading Partner’s Guidelines. Available packing methods and validation criteria are specified by your Trading Partner, and Orderful only enforces them as configured.

Required Workflow status: Order Fulfillment

  1. If you haven’t already, open the associated Workflow Overview.
  2. If the required previous steps have been completed, the Workflow should be in “Order Fulfillment” status.
    Click on Create an ASN (856) in the “Order Fulfillment” step.
  3. This will create a new 856 document and open the Print View for that transaction in Edit Mode. This document will be auto-populated based on the data in the 850 that started this Workflow. Any validation errors, including missing information, will be highlighted in red. These errors are based on your Trading Partner’s guidelines.
  4. (Optional) Choose a packing method. If your Relationship only specifies one packing method, this will be pre-selected.
  5. Enter a “Shipment ID”.
  6. The “Shipment Date” will default to the current date. Update this field if necessary.
  7. Confirm all pre-populated fields, and fix any validation errors highlighted in red.
  8. All items specified in the 850 are unpacked by default. You must explicitly select each item in the “Unpacked Items” section and specify how many units are being packed. The number of units you are packing can be less than the total quantity that is being shipped, to account for multiple cartons or pallets. For more information see [How to use Unpacked Items].
  9. All items, once packed, will appear in the “Items” section below.
  10. Once you are done, click Save Changes in the upper right.
  11. If you have successfully entered all the information required by your Trading Partner’s Guidelines, the 856 document will change its “Validation Status” from “Invalid” to “Valid”. The Transaction can now be sent.
    Click on the Send button () at the top of the Transaction detail view.
  12. (Optional) If you are creating multiple 856s, you can use the Create New button for the Order Fulfillment step.
  13. (Optional) To download the 856 transaction, click on the Download button () at the top of the page. This will open a Download Files dialogue that will show you the data in the format(s) configured for your Relationship, as well as giving you the option to Download and Copy the data.

How to use Unpacked Items

All Items in an 856 are not packed by default. When you select an item, enter a quantity, and pack the item(s) using the Pack Items button at the top right of the table. Packed items are moved into the “Items” section of the Purchase Order below. All of the item-level details are also added.

It is important that you only pack units together if they are inside common packaging. If you make a mistake you can scroll down to the Items section and delete the items individually in the table, or any packs or tares (pallets) that contain those items.