Supported Transaction Types

Web EDI supports a variety of inbound and outbound transaction types but you should confirm the transactions your buyer makes mandatory are covered here before choosing our web product.

Don't see a transaction type your partner requires of you? Suggest an edit ✍️

Transaction NumberDescriptionSenderSupport
850Purchase Order - Used by a buyer to place an order for goods or services from a seller.Buyer to Seller
855Purchase Order Acknowledgment - Sent by the seller to confirm receipt of a purchase order and provide details about whether it can be fulfilled.Seller to Buyer
856Advance Ship Notice - Provides detailed information about a pending shipment, including contents and shipping information.Seller to Buyer
810Invoice - A request for payment sent by the seller to the buyer, listing the goods or services provided and their costs.Seller to Buyer
753Request for Routing Instructions - Used to request routing instructions from the buyer for a shipment.Seller to Buyer⛔️
754Routing Instructions - Provides specific routing instructions for a shipment, detailing the carrier and shipping method.Buyer to Seller⛔️
846Inventory Inquiry/Advice - Communicates information about inventory levels, including stock status and availability.Seller to Buyer⛔️
860Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated - Sent by the buyer to request changes to a previously submitted purchase order.Buyer to Seller
865Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Initiated - Sent by the seller to acknowledge changes to a purchase order or request modifications.Seller to Buyer⛔️
875Grocery Products Purchase Order - Used specifically for ordering grocery products, detailing quantities and types of items ordered.Buyer to Seller⛔️
880Grocery Products Invoice - An invoice specifically for grocery products, detailing the items shipped and their costs.Seller to Buyer⛔️
812Credit/Debit Adjustment - Sent to request or provide information about adjustments to an invoice or payment, such as credits or debits.Buyer or Seller
812Credit/Debit Adjustment - Sent to request or provide information about adjustments to an invoice or payment, such as credits or debits.Seller to Buyer⛔️
820Payment Order/Remittance Advice - Used to make a payment and provide detailed remittance information. It is typically sent by a buyer to a supplier to specify the details of a payment made or to be made for goods or services received.Buyer to Seller
830Planning Schedule with Release - Used by buyers to communicate with suppliers on product demands for an upcoming period. This document allows both parties to manage their inventory more efficiently through different forecasting programs.Buyer to Seller⛔️
864Text Message - Used for the transmission of textual information that does not conform to a standard format, such as memos or notifications.Buyer or Seller
870Order Status Report - Provides updates on the status of orders, including whether they are in process, shipped, or completed.Seller to Buyer⛔️
824Application Advice - Communicates the status or results of an application process, such as the acceptance or rejection of an EDI document.Buyer or Seller
816Organizational Relationships - Used to communicate information about organizational relationships, such as the identification of entities within a company.Buyer or Seller⛔️